Benjamin Verdonck and I invited seven special places in the neighbourhood of the Bourla Theatre in Antwerp to participate in 7X7: a gym, a museum, a pet shop, a beauty salon, a war gamers’ clubhouse, a bakery, a reception hall of the Salvation Army. Then we shuffled the cards and suddenly everything was different: a bread vending machine appears in the museum, a gymnast is exercising in the pet shop, a precious art work in the beauty salon… Each day, we took something typical for one place and moved it on to another place. For seven days, you could walk along these seven places, each of them different than they were the day before. You could find the route and the programme through social media and a map, but you could just as easily run into something or someone by chance.

2022, installation, performance © Wannes Cré
By: Thomas Verstraeten, Benjamin Verdonck
With the participation of: Dierenspeciaalzaak De Pauw, Schoolsporthal Sint-Ludgardis, Museum Mayer Van den Bergh, Schoonheidssalon Emotion, Leger Des Heils korps Antwerpen, Outpost Gamecenter, Bakkerij Woody Sweet
With: Aminata Demba, Gert Jochems, Johan Petit, Sofie Decleir, Benjamin Verdonck, papegaaien Nina en Scarlette en LucZwijzen, Yolanda en Jennifer Suarez, Philomena Amankwaah, Pepijn Vermeulen, Brent Van Haerenborgh, Hanne Pandelaers, Niels Robyn, Rhune Stoffelen, Jutte Van Den Boer, Fee Huysmans, Dot Van Herck, Alina Verbert, Mona, Anika Michiels, Lani De Bondt, Lies Bastiaensen, Mayline Tsoi, Nora Dejonghe, Kyra Van Dam, Jade, Johan Van Acker, Glen Valkaert, Jimmy Mols, Willie Bogaerts, Liam Willemsens, Mike Benoot, André Van Gils, Eddy Willems, Steven Groffy, Dennis Van Sprengel, Jolien De Busschere, Thomas Frankfort, Jan-Pieter Van Thielen, Priscille Mabwidi, Laetitia Ringelberg, Meredith Ringelberg, Blessing Mposhi, Puisdi Mposhi, Lightness Kodi, Merdi Kodi, Manuela Ringelberg, Walson Mabwidi, John Mabwidi, Jean Paul Muzemba, Aimé Mposhi, Dudu Cakmak, Ouafa Yattou, Carl Depauw, Margit Didelez, Sabine Alting, Steve Fierens, Anouk Van Dongen, Mieke Vandenhoeck, Basketclub Olicsa, Arne De Bruyne, Impact Antwerp, Sten Van Den Bergh, Antwerpse Sportweken, Yana Struijs, Wendi Rijckmans, Kristel Cox, Kelly Andreasen, Leger Des Heils korps Antwerpen, Aimé Mposhi, Manuela Sturm, Tin Soldiers Of Antwerp, Johan Van Acker, ProNails, Nathalie Oorts, Patisserie Lints
Dramaturgy: Leen Hammenecker
Production management: Laura Van Houtte, Leen Hammenecker
Photography: Wannes Cré
Graphic design: Nina Swaans
Production: Toneelhuis